
I grew up in a household steeped in the Chinese divinatory arts – I Ching, Astrology, Palmistry, Face Reading and Feng Shui. When I read Tarot, I honor my ancestral roots in a way that reflects who I am today. My passion is in working with the ancient Tarot de Marseille – the deck of choice for artists from Pablo Picasso to Alejandro Jodorowsky.

More than a tool for divination, the Tarot has found a place in modern psychoanalysis as a symbolic system to aid self-discovery and psychic healing. In my multidisciplinary work, I use the Tarot cards to structure the performance, much as John Cage employed the I Ching. The resulting work is a product of chance – each performance differs in form and content, depending on the cards drawn.

I also conduct workshops on reading Tarot images and their creative application in our every day lives, and group readings featuring the twenty-two Major Arcana cards. To book a group or individual tarot reading, visit www.TarotbyPhoebe.com.